Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Private FACEBOOK Profile Picture in FULL SIZE

Private Profile Picture in ACTUAL SIZE

Many individuals (specially girls) make their profile picture secure to ONLY ME privacy option, so that other ones could not able to view the profile pic. Although, the profile pic is visible on the profile but you can't open that pic to view in a full size view.. Now if you want to View a Private Profile Photo on a facebook profile in full size, then its all for you.... :D 


  • Go to the profile and try to open the profile picture. 

  • If you are able to open the image directly, then the image privacy is not strict and you can access the image

  • If you are not able to open the image, then just right click on it and copy the image address or select  View Image

  • Now the image will be opened in smaller size as due to the resolution check from Facebook.

  • Now check the address bar of your browser, u'll see URL something like..

  • Remove s160x160/ from the URL and press Enter for viewing the full size Private image


    Have a Gud Dae.!!..  :D ;)